Dynamic XML Website: The Return
46MB / ZIP / RS-com
Dynamic XML Website: The Return - Original
# XML Driven
# Menu: Change rollover and rollout colors via XML .
# Menu: Submenus are time activated and time deactivated. Set via XML
# Menu: Add submenu items and main menu items By adding new nodes in the XML .
# Menu can load swfs and urls (including mailto)
Unfortunately, I designed it so there MUST be sub menus. But that’s cool, cus it don’t hurt to click the cool buttons and watch the awesome transitions now does it? heh
# Plain Text Page: XML Driven. CSS Driven. Add HTML syntaxes.
# Dynamic News: XML Driven.
# Dynamic News: CSS enabled
# Dynamic News: Add Images, Links, change color of text and size too
# About Us Page: XML
Your Ad Here
Driven. NOT HTML Enabled
# Services Page: XML Driven. NOT HTML Enabled
# Web Portfolio Pages: XML Driven. Must edit file path in FLA that leads to XML when either changing names of folders, or when creating new folders and duplicating fla, swf and xml fiiles
# Videos Portfolio Pages: XML Driven. Must edit file path in FLA that leads to XML when either changing names of folders, or when creating new folders and duplicating fla, swf and xml files
# Contact Form: PHP /actionscript Driven.
# Contact Form: User needs to change the recipients address inside the PHP file for it to work properly.
# Contact Us information: XML Driven. Add as many items as you need.
[via http://www.warez4u.info/]
46MB / ZIP / RS-com
Dynamic XML Website: The Return - Original
# XML Driven
# Menu: Change rollover and rollout colors via XML .
# Menu: Submenus are time activated and time deactivated. Set via XML
# Menu: Add submenu items and main menu items By adding new nodes in the XML .
# Menu can load swfs and urls (including mailto)
Unfortunately, I designed it so there MUST be sub menus. But that’s cool, cus it don’t hurt to click the cool buttons and watch the awesome transitions now does it? heh
# Plain Text Page: XML Driven. CSS Driven. Add HTML syntaxes.
# Dynamic News: XML Driven.
# Dynamic News: CSS enabled
# Dynamic News: Add Images, Links, change color of text and size too
# About Us Page: XML
Your Ad Here
Driven. NOT HTML Enabled
# Services Page: XML Driven. NOT HTML Enabled
# Web Portfolio Pages: XML Driven. Must edit file path in FLA that leads to XML when either changing names of folders, or when creating new folders and duplicating fla, swf and xml fiiles
# Videos Portfolio Pages: XML Driven. Must edit file path in FLA that leads to XML when either changing names of folders, or when creating new folders and duplicating fla, swf and xml files
# Contact Form: PHP /actionscript Driven.
# Contact Form: User needs to change the recipients address inside the PHP file for it to work properly.
# Contact Us information: XML Driven. Add as many items as you need.
[via http://www.warez4u.info/]