0h - XML Driven Portfolio
Source FLA - SWF / 7.2 Mb
Can be open and modified with Flash8+
The content of this portfolio is completely and easily customizable and editable via XML files.
Any text or image can be dynamically changed.
Cleanly designed and coded.
AS2 .
This website is composed of a list of projects with 3 parts in each :
- clients
- images
- descriptions
You can add as many projects as you want.
In each projects, you can add as many images as you want.
Every image which is dynamically loaded can be replaced by a SWF file (yes, it can handle video).
Each of the 3 bands scrolls its own speed in order to make client/images/descriptions from the selected project always vertically aligned, and centered on the screen.
You can change zoom on images by clicking on them, and go back the same way.
This website is bilingual, you can use the languages you like as their name can also be changed in a XML file.
Fonts are free to download on Dafont.com
[via http://www.heroturko.us/]
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