Source FLA - SWF / 21.5 Mb
Full Flash XML driven Website
* customizable background for every section, supported formats: JPG , PNG, GIF , SWF, and images can be patterns
* two level horizontal menu
* Google Analytics support
* auto scroll for submenu
* each menuitem can be linked to external files (both AS2 and AS3 SWF files)
* each menuitem can be linked to any URL
* deep linking for every menuitem(link name customizable with xml)
* customizable section transitions (RotatingRectangle, Zoom, CircleZoom, LeftToRight, TopToBottom, etc, just by XML )
* you can set starting page by xml
Image and Video gallery (with H.264 support)
* clean design with cool animation
* unlimited image, video or swf files
* automatic page creation
* you can add title and description to every media
Horizontal gallery
* you can use images(JPG, PNG , GIF) or swf files
* you can add title and description to every media
Text content page
* you are able to make advanced layouts, like columns, rows, tables to display your text content (by XML only)
* every layout divided by customizable cells, there are some cell properties:
* width (pixel or percent based)
* background, background transparency
* border, border size, border color
* simple rectangle or rounded rectangle
* cell spacing, cell padding
* layout (horizontal or vertical)
* fully resizable
* every cell can contain image or swf files and even sub cells
* smoothScrolling: true false
Audio Player with playlist
* simple and powerful e-mail sender (.php included)
[via http://www.warez4u.info]
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