Flash PayPal Clothes Shop
source FLA / XML / SWF / 1.49 Mb
This is a Flash PayPal Shop with Product category specially made for Clothes, Product List , Sizes , Colors, description Texts , price and photos are all dynamic and initialize from XML files, then you can update it very easily. From actionscript side there is no limitation with number of Products. According the number of Products in XML , flash create a List of them with related values.
Shop Options:
- Set the Size and Color for each Product in XML
- Set the Shipment Price
- Set a Limit for Free Shipment according to Order amount
- Set a Slide Show of all available Product Colors for each Product
What is new in this Shop: 1 Product category let you easy managing of more Products in your Shop!
2 Contact Form as a Support Session with auto responder on customer and Admin
- Give your email address in actions Layer*
- Set your Cart Currency in there, current Currency is USDollar. You need also change the Currency sign in XML file, it is just for presentation and make no effect into your cart.
- Set your Shipment Price*
- Set Free Shipment Limit according to Order Price*
*Please read PAYPAL Setting Layer in Flash file to doing this.
Question: where will i find my Order shipment Address?
Answer: After each payment confirmation, PayPal share the customer Address for Seller, there is also this posibility in PAYPAL website to enter a new or different Shipment Address during order, then as you see all will be done with PayPal.
[via http://scriptmafia.org/]
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