AS2 XML Black Gold Website Template
Source FLA - SWF / 20 Mb
This template is realized in AS2 and the files can be opened with Flash 8 or higher.
* Full deep linking support. Every section and every single content is linkable.
* Back/Forward browser’s buttons support.
* Keyboard arrow keys support for all the slides and galleries.
* All the colors are xml driven
* 2 levels xml menu.
* Menu items can load external swf or link to external URL .
* 10 powerful xml driven external modules.
* Every module can load 4 different types of backgrounds: images, swf files, flv videos or plain colors. Everything managed by xml.
* You can load every module unlimited number of times. Just create a new xml file for the new module. You won’t need to create a new swf file.
* The logo is loaded and positioned by xml.
* Full music smart playlist. Unlimited number of songs. Loop and auto next options. Every module can stop or resume the music. Every setting is managed by xml.
* The home page can load any module. In this example the home page loads the slideshow module.
* Slideshow module that can show an unlimited number of images/videos/swfs, automatically or manually. All its contents are managed by xml.
* News module that can show an unlimited number of news. All its contents are managed by xml.
* Services module that can list an unlimited number of services. All its contents are managed by xml.
* Long text module managed by xml.
* Staff module that can show an unlimited number of staff members. All its contents are managed by xml.
* Contact module with textual information and full contact form. All its contents are managed by xml.
* Multi categories multi media gallery module. Loads images, videos and swf files. Automatic slideshow feature. Supports an unlimited number of categories and images of any size. This module can be used to load many galleries, a single gallery or, if you want, a single video, image or swf file! All its contents are managed by xml.
* Multi album audio gallery module. Supports an unlimited number of albums and songs. Option to load a big cover for each album. All its contents are managed by xml.
* Multi downloads module. Supports an unlimited number of downloads. All its contents are managed by xml.
* Empty module to easily create your own modules. Just put your contents into the designed area and you won’t have any trouble aligning and loading your own contents into the template!
* All texts support basic html tags.
* The libraries of each module are very well organized.
* The fonts used in this template are created by us and are included in the package in Mac/Pc formats.
* A rich help file is included.
* Code is well commented.
* Everything is heavily tested and debugged.
Enjoy it!
[via http://www.warez4u.info]
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