Full XML simple business template with deep linking
Source FLA - SWF / 5.1 MB
D E M OThis simple and clean template was created for those who do need some presence on the web, but have no need for a million buttons and options. It serves HTML CSS formatted content and has an internal lightBox and mp3 player so you can still get your message across in multiple ways. Off course you can also load an external SWF into the text field or lightBox so you can stream your clips or show a contact form.
Features:* full XML
* uses swfObject and swfAddress for deep and internal linking
* internal lightBox
* HTML CSS formatted content
* supports external SWFs
* mp3 player (PHP or XML driven, PHP included) with volume cookie
* mp3 player can be fully left out by changing one attribute in the XML
* logo filters (shade, bevel, glow and reflection)
* logo positioning (left, center, right)
* background options (tiled, sized to screen, centered)
* full screen option
* scrollWheel and keyboard scrolling supported
* sounds included
* xml parser for SEO included (PHP)
Very easy to setup, just change the background, logo and color scheme and you’ve got yourself a different site, which only leaves you to focus on your content.
The deep link engine will allow you to send links of pages to clients and ensures proper browser integration.
The template is fully scripted to keep file size to a minimum of 21kb.
Code: AS2 Fonts used: Semplice Extended, Arial